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Group B Strep Screening + Presentation Scan

Ideally between 35-37 weeks

From 35 weeks – term 

Group B strep (GBS) screening

Why have Group B Strep screening?

Group B Streptococcus is the most common cause of life threatening infections in newborn babies in the UK. GBS is a common bacteria that can be found on our bodies which often doesn’t cause any harm. Approximately one in five pregnant women in the UK carries GBS in their vagina or digestive tract, during labour and birth many babies can come into contact with GBS and become colonised by the bacteria.

Most babies are unaffected however a small number can become infected during labour and birth. Rarely, GBS infections can cause serious complications that can become life threatening.

Most GBS infections can be prevented by giving antibiotics intravenously (through a vein) at the start of labour to all women where GBS has been detected during their current pregnancy.

Without prophylactic antibiotics around 1 in 1000 babies in the UK would develop a GBS infection (approx 700 babies a year).

Group B Strep Screening

What we do…

The test is performed from 35 weeks gestation (ideally between 35-37 weeks) by taking two swabs, a low vaginal and rectal swab. The swabs are then sent to our designated lab for testing, who are also the designated lab for the Group B Strep support group.
Group B Strep Screening 1
Ideally between 35-37 weeks
After the screening...

We receive the results electronically and contact you by phone with them usually 3-5 working days after the swabs have been taken. You will also receive a hard copy of the report in the post.

The results will come back as positive or negative, if negative no further follow up required and the report can go in your maternity notes. If your result is positive the lab report should be shown and discussed with your midwife or obstetrician and placed within your maternity notes.

NICE guidelines recommend that when GBS is isolated in pregnancy intravenous antibiotics should be offered in labour which is highly effective in stopping GBS infections from developing in newborn babies.

Presentation Scan
Why have a presentation scan?

At times trying to clearly identify which way round your baby is can be difficult! You think it is one way, your midwife thinks it’s another but no one is quite convinced – we can help and see for certain whether your baby is head down (cephalic) or bottom down (breech). This scan does not need a referral from a healthcare professional so can be performed whenever you feel the need for additional reassurance of how well your baby is growing and which way around it is.

Presentation Scan 1
What we do…

We have a good look at your little one and discuss everything as we move around your baby. For the growth assessment we measure the head, tummy and thigh to get an estimated weight and compare this in relation to the due date which will demonstrate where your baby is within the growth range. The fluid is assessed either visually or measured to ensure it is within the normal range. We will of course check the position of your baby for that final reassurance.

We also see what your baby is up to in there and check its general behaviour – pictures are taken where possible (dependant on position and gestation) and if we can we will also have a look in 4D.

As with all our scans you are given the opportunity to ask questions throughout the scan.

First scanning image of head to bottom
Head or bottom first?
After the scan...

We will discuss everything that we have seen throughout the scan and create a report with our findings for you to take away. If your baby is not in the cephalic position we will advise you to contact your midwife for follow up.

If any problems are found, these will be discussed with you and where possible/known the implications will also be discussed. A referral will be made for you to your local midwife, GP or local hospital/antenatal clinic and appropriate follow up will be arranged.

Presentation Scan 4
Lyndsey done quite a few scans when I was pregnant with my little girl.. She was amazing we also found out she had bilateral talipes and when Lyndsey noticed her feet she was amazing and explained things a lot better than the hospital did. I now wouldn't go anywhere else if I ever have any more children ! Xx