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Reassurance and Gender Scans + Anomaly Scan + Growth Scan
16 – 23 + 6

Reassurance and Gender scans

Why have a reassurance scan?

The wait between your dating and anomaly scan can seem so long! From 16 weeks you (for the most part) feel entirely normal again, don’t necessarily feel pregnant and to the outside world you don’t look pregnant – so what is going on in there…… Or if you just cannot wait to find out the gender then we can help with that too.
16 weeks scan
Reassurance and Gender scans

What we do…

We measure the head, tummy and thigh to get an estimated weight and see how well your baby is growing in relation to your due date. Have a general assessment of your baby, check the movements, placenta and fluid (if the gender is obvious during the scan we will tell you).

We can determine your baby’s gender with very high accuracy, we take our time and look in a number of different views to clearly see little girl’s bits or little boy’s, it’s that simple! If your baby is being decidedly shy (or awkward) or we are not convinced ourselves then we will re-book you free of charge – we want to be certain!)

If you don’t want to know the gender we can keep that secret as well that’s no problem at all.

As an addition to the scan, we also try to have a glimpse at your little one in 4D and take pictures for you both in 2D and 3D if your baby allows (we don’t have a maximum number of pictures we take, depends on how well your little one poses!). Sometimes your baby may be in a position where we cannot see it’s face in 3D/4D and we won’t be able to take pictures – but we will try!)

Growth Scan
From 16 weeks
After the scan...

We will discuss everything that we have seen throughout the scan and complete a report with our findings, along with the pictures we have taken throughout the scan.

If we find anything of concern during the scan we discuss this with you giving you plenty of time to ask questions. We create a report and contact your local maternity hospital to arrange follow up for you.

to 21+6
Anomaly Scan
Why would you have an anomaly scan?

An anomaly scan can be performed from 18+6 weeks to 21+6 weeks but ideally performed around 20 weeks. The scan will effectively check your baby’s development from head to toe, assessing the growth, placental position and amniotic fluid. We can perform this scan with the flexibility of your timescale not always achieved with the NHS.

We can also provide this scan as a second opinion to an anomaly scan already performed or to complete an anomaly scan when all structures have not been clearly seen.

anomaly scan in Sussex
What we do…

We measure your baby’s femur, head an abdominal circumference to compare the growth against the due date. The following anatomical structures are also assessed; Skull/brain, profile/lips, heart/chest, abdomen/cord insertion, kidneys, bladder, limbs, spine and placental position. The scan is performed to the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP) standards set out by Public Heath England for clinical care standards within the NHS.

The anomaly scan is a screening tool; it cannot see every abnormality and it does not guarantee a healthy baby. Some problems/abnormalities may not be present or visible but develop at a later stage (for example diaphragmatic hernia).

Throughout the scan we talk you through everything we are looking at so you get to know your little one and how well it is developing. We also take pictures in 2D for you and have a little look in 4D as well.

18+6 weeks to 21+6 weeks
After the scan...

A detailed report will be created with all our findings and discussed with you giving you every opportunity to ask questions. This report should go alongside your maternity notes.

If any problems or abnormalities are found, these will be discussed with you and where possible/known the implications will also be discussed. A referral will be made for you to your local midwife, GP or local hospital/antenatal clinic and appropriate follow up will be arranged.

Sometimes when abnormalities are found we cannot give you the exact implications/outcomes for your baby, we will give you as much information as possible but you will require specialist referral for a clear diagnosis.

(Please note this scan may be available for free at your local NHS hospital)

anomaly scan

24 weeks to term

Growth Scan
Why have a growth scan?

Sometimes the wait from seeing your baby at the half way stage at the 20 week scan to it being in your arms can be a long time! This scan does not need a referral from a healthcare professional so can be performed whenever you feel the need for additional reassurance of how well your baby is growing and what it is up to in there.

Having a scan in the third trimester gives you so much clinical information as to how well your baby is doing. Assessing the growth as the placenta starts to mature is essential, how much amniotic fluid is around the baby, how they are behaving during the scan and of course what position they are in gives you a great picture of reassurance.

If a concern has been raised about reduced fetal movements, slow fundal growth height, or even increased fundal growth height we can give that visual reassurance that your baby is doing beautifully at a timescale that suits you.
What we do..

We have a good look at your little one and discuss everything as we move around your baby. For the growth assessment we measure the head, tummy and thigh to get an estimated weight and compare this in relation to the due date which will demonstrate where your baby is within the growth range. We assess the placenta and also the position of your baby to the placenta, so if reduced movements are a concern, we can show you where you will expect to feel your baby move. The fluid is assessed either visually or measured to ensure it is within the normal range.

We also see what your baby is up to in there and check its general behaviour – pictures are taken where possible (dependant on position and gestation) and if we can we will also have a look in 4D. IF YOUR BABY IS IN A GOOD POSITION WE CAN UPGRADE THE SCAN TO A 4D ONCE ALL CHECKS HAVE BEEN MADE.

As with all our scans you are given the opportunity to ask questions throughout the scan.

Growth Scan
24 weeks to term.
After the scan...

We will discuss everything that we have seen throughout the scan and create a report with our findings for you to take away.

If any problems are found, these will be discussed with you and where possible/known the implications will also be discussed. A referral will be made for you to your local midwife, GP or local hospital/antenatal clinic and appropriate follow up will be arranged.

25 weeks old scan image
25 weeks old.
36 weeks, chubby cheeks in 4D
36 weeks, chubby cheeks in 4D.
I cannot recommend Lindsay enough!! I've seen Lindsay a few times after a really difficult time to make sure things were getting back to normal and she's always been so lovely and helpful. She's always on hand to answer any questions I have and I cannot thank her enough xx