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4D Growth Scan

4D scan is between 26-32 weeks

26 – 32

4D Growth Scan

Why have a 4D growth scan?

An amazing opportunity to see what your little one gets up to in the womb! This unique bonding experience allows you to see your baby smile, yawn and even see if it has little fat cheeks!

As with all our scans ensuring your baby’s wellbeing is our priority and we always talk you through everything that we see.

The best time to perform a 4D scan is between 26-32 weeks gestation due to the size of your baby and the amount of amniotic fluid present.

After 32 weeks the amniotic fluid naturally starts to reduce which can affect the images we get of your baby due to its position and often unwillingness to move! If you are outside of the suggested range, we will try our hardest to achieve the best possible images but this is not always possible.

4d scan images

What we do…

With our 4D growth scans we take both 2D and 3D pictures which are saved onto a memory stick, black and white pictures for you to take away, we also take measurements to ensure you baby is growing well. We spend time looking around your baby and seeing what it is up to. If you would like the gender to remain a secret that is no problem at all, if you do already know we can always double check for you!

For the growth assessment we measure the head, tummy and thigh to get an estimated weight and compare this in relation to the due date which will demonstrate where your baby is within the growth range. We also assess the placental position and amniotic fluid.

During the scan the ideal position for your baby is to be laying on its back, from previous scans I am sure you have experienced a comfy baby that doesn’t want to help. If this happens we will try a variety of things to get your baby moving. If despite our best efforts your little bean is far too comfortable and won’t move we will book a further one off 20 minute scan free of charge.

As with all our scans you are given the opportunity to ask questions throughout the scan

4d scan
After the scan...

We will discuss everything that we have seen throughout the scan and complete a report with our findings along with your memory stick and pictures we have taken throughout the scan.

We don’t have a maximum number of pictures we take, all dependant on how helpful your little one is.

If any problems are found, these will be discussed with you and where possible/known the implications will also be discussed. A referral will be made for you to your local midwife, GP or local hospital/antenatal clinic and appropriate follow up will be arranged.

Highly recommend Lindsay. I went for reassurance scans at 13 weeks and 18 weeks due to some issue in early pregnancy. It was a very friendly but also very informative service where I was shown and talked through different things that they may not have time to discuss in your normal hospital scans. I would definitely recommend Lindsay to anyone wanting to have extra scans.